Friday, May 20, 2011

The Mothership returns to Chocolate City!

The Mothership is landing at the Smithsonian. Party at the museum! One nation under a groove!

From the WaPo:
The funkiest UFO in the galaxy is about to land in Chocolate City. 
The Mothership — the iconic stage prop made famous by legendary funk collectiveParliament-Funkadelic — has been acquired by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture where it will help anchor a permanent music exhibition when the museum opens its doors in 2015....
...It’ll be somewhat of a homecoming. The group first formed as the Parliaments in Plainfield, New Jersey in the late 1950’s, but after morphing into a two-group collective — Parliamentand Funkadelic — it would go on to enjoy one of its most loyal followings in Washington. Parliament’s 1975 album “Chocolate City” gave the nation’s capital an unofficial nickname that still sticks today. 
When the band lowered the Mothership from the rafters of the Capital Centre in Landover in 1977, the response was rapturous. Not only was it instantly stunning — it felt like a cosmic metaphor for the sense of possibility that followed the civil rights movement

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How our prison policies look from abroad

Watch this video clip of Steven Fry talking about our U.S. prison system and how "we may have found a way to reinstitute slavery." This is a comedy bit from a mainstream TV show in Great Britain, but it is spot on. And watch how the panel finds it more and more difficult to find anything funny to say. At all.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Remembering Harmon Killebrew

Twins great Harmon Killebrew was one of the defining people of my childhood, my love of baseball, and my Minnesota Twins. I offer this memory in honor of his passing today.

1966. I am 10 years old and my Dad and I are on our way to a Twins game at the Met. My favorite games to go to are the evening double headers, called twi-night double headers.  

I love the black summer sky against the huge, blazing lights that ring the upper deck of the stadium. I love the insect dance around the lights, the color of the grass under fake night light, frosty malts, Harmon Killebrew, Tony Oliva, Bob Allison, Rod Carew, and the dream of catching a pop fly with my mitt. I love the organ and the seventh inning stretch and the cracking sound of wood meeting rawhide. I love looking through the binoculars and watching pitchers spit chewing tobacco. I love watching bat boys at the dug out, wondering how anyone could be so lucky to have such a job. I am a die-hard fan.
My mom makes me wear a dress to the game, which I hate. She means well, but does not support my tomboy tendencies as they are to her, unladylike. But I am indeed a tomboy and serious about catching a fly ball. I am a girl in a boys world. I want to fit in, to wear my jeans, Converse All Stars, Twins t-shirt and ball cap. The dress is messing with my groove, and possibly my catching abilities. But I do as I am told, wear the dress, and keep my well worn, well oiled mitt on my right hand, lefty that I am, and hope for the best. 

I do not get bored, ever, even deep into the second game. I yell loudly for my team. Sometimes the guys in the stands turn around to see who is doing all that screaming. My Dad always says people give him dirty looks, thinking he's keeping this poor kid up way too late at night, making me sit through two games. Truth is, I am the one making him sit through the games. I am the biggest Twins fan in the family. That my Dad takes me to see eighteen innings of baseball is my surest sign he really loves me.    

The second game is the magic game for me. The deep night of summer, the lights, the endless feeling of it all. And then there's this, what we all are waiting for: Harmon Killebrew up to bat, two out, players on first and third, bottom of the eighth. The mighty Killebrew takes a hard swing and crack, the ball flies up and in a long, slow arch, begins its descent out over the backfield fence and into the dark night. The fans go wild, and we cheer the runners home. One, two, three. Revelry, wonder. My own field of dreams. 

I still have the mitt.

Thanks for the memories, Harmon Killebrew.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

First Lady Michelle Obama gets down!

I love this so much! First Lady Michelle Obama getting down with a bunch of D.C. middle schoolers. Watch her do the Dougie AND the Running Man!