Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Republicans: How dare you trash Thurgood Marshall

Senate hearings are underway for the confirmation of Elena Kagan as our next Supreme Court Justice. We knew, of course, that conservative Republican senators would cry foul, accusing President Obama of nominating yet another "activist judge." But to trash the late, great Justice Thurgood Marshall is stepping WAY over the line. (Kagan clerked for him - what an honor that must has been.)

 If you missed it, here's a mashup of yesterday's trash talking, Senate style:

Thurgood Marshall, the first African American Supreme Court Justice and simply one of the greatest Supreme Court Justices of all time, is one of my personal heroes. But as mad as this makes me, and maybe you too, let's just grit our teeth and get through this necessary yet painful nomination process. Kagan will become our next Supreme Court Justice and Marshall will be smiling from above.

Go get 'em, girl!

1 comment:

  1. How DARE those black and female ones not toe the line and do what they're told?

    Anyway, no surprise that they wouldn't, right? Only white men can be truly objective in their judgments.

